Miscellany – March 4, 2015


The College of Liberal Arts has nominated the following English faculty for 2015 Presidential Excellence Awards: Kitty Ledbetter, for teaching; Rob Tally, for scholarly / creative activity; and Steve Wilson, for service.

Octavio Pimentel’s latest book, Racial Shorthand: Coded Discrimination Contested in Social Media, has been accepted for publication by Computers and Composition Digital Press.

Columnist Ken Herman of the Austin American-Statesman featured Texas State University’s Common Experience and the Common Reading Program in his Metro/State commentary column on Wednesday, February 25th: http://www.mystatesman.com/news/news/local/herman-in-coincidence-texas-state-students-read-ph/nkH8H/#4839166c.3593031.735654. He discussed the 50th anniversary of Texas State’s integration, as well as the history of the school. In addition, the piece highlighted Common Reading Program director Twister Marquiss, who is a lecturer in the Department of English.

Komi Begedou will present “Navigating the Intersections of a Christian Organization and a West African Public University” at the Texas State University conference, “Religious Studies, Liberal Arts and the Public University,” taking place this coming April.

Scott Mogull’s article “Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Health Consumerism” has been accepted for publication in Fall 2015 as part of a special issue of Communication Design Quarterly exploring health and medical discourses. CDQis the peer-reviewed journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Design of Communication.

Michael Noll’s story, “The Tank Yard,” was accepted by Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine for the June/July issue. In addition, Michael was invited by the journal American Short Fiction to write an essay about a text that portrays poor parenting. His essay, discussing Murray Farish’s story “Inappropriate Behavior,” was published along with essays by other writers at ASF‘s blog series, Bourbon & Milk: http://americanshortfiction.org/2014/12/25/bourbon-milk-truth-flags-secret-knowledge-need-sometimes-stomp-around-raise-voice-carry-television-garage/ [archived].

Miscellany – February 20, 2015


Scott Mogull’s presentation, “Practices of Visual Inscriptions in Science and Engineering Discourse: Implications for Teaching,” has been accepted at ProComm 2015, the annual conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Professional Communication Societ, to be held in Limerick, Ireland on July 12-15, 2015.

Steve Wilson’s poem “Six Storms” will be among the texts used by visual artists to create new work during a series of spring workshops sponsored by the renowned Kinsale Pottery & Arts Centre (Kinsale, Ireland). The project will culminate in an exhibition entitled “Trading Words: An exploration of the relationship between visual arts and creative writing”: https://tradingwords2015.wordpress.com/2015/02/14/steve-wilson/.

MA-Literature student Tyler Dukes presented “The Searchers and Dallas Buyers Club: Social Upheaval on Two Frontiers” at the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPCA) Conference, held recently in Albuquerque, NM.

Cyrus Cassells has been named a “Guest Director” for the Drama Department’s current production of A Streetcar Named Desire.

Mark Busby has been selected as the “featured author” for Texas A&M-Commerce’s launch of its annual literary magazine, The Mayo Review.  Two of his stories will appear in the issue, and he will do readings and workshops as part of the event. Mark presented “Leavening Humor in Cormac McCarthy’s Cities of the Plain” at the Texas/Southwest Popular Culture Association meeting in Albuquerque, February 11, 2015.

The 19 February 2015 issue of the Austin American-Statesman featured on the first page of “Austin 360” “Homegrown,” the collection of posters celebrating the Austin music culture that is on view at the Wittliff Gallery through July 3. Alan Schaefer, lecturer in the Department of English, has curated the exhibit and authored the related book, Homegrown: Austin Music Posters 1967 to 1982 (Austin: UT Press, 2015), which features essays by Joe Nick Patoski and Nels Jacobson.

Miscellany – February 13, 2015


On January 30, Rachel and Matt Greengold welcomed their new son Sebastian Scott Greengold. He was born 8lbs and 19 inches long.

MATC alumna Alexandra Podwalny has accepted the Communications Executive position at Mercom Capital Group in Austin, Texas. Alexandra graduated from the MATC program in fall 2014.

MFA fiction student Allison Grace Myers will present “Idiosyncrasy and Isolation: The Pleasures of Language in Lorrie Moore’s ‘Which Is More Than I Can Say About Some People'” at the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s conference, “Dirty Talk: The Forms and Language of Pleasure.”

MFA fiction student Jane Hawley had a story published by Day One, Amazon’s literary journal for emerging authors. “The Suitcases of San Leon” is available at http://www.amazon.com/The-Suitcases-Le%C3%B3n-Short-Story-ebook/dp/B00Q7H3FLQ.

At this year’s Southwest Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association Conference in Albuquerque, Lecturer Anne Winchell will present “Female Representation and Sexualization in Tabletop Gaming”: Lecturer Laura Sims will present “Gender, Gamergate, and the Middle Ages: Second Verse, Same as the First”; and Undergraduate English Major Brittany Mari Landgrebe, “Healing Potions: Video Games as a Tool for Coping with Loss and Trauma.” Anne Winchell’s article “Video Games as a New Form of Interactive Literature” appears in a special issue of Syllabus Journal: http://www.syllabusjournal.org/.

Lecturer and MFA graduate Logan Fry has a poem forthcoming in Fence.

Deb Balzhiser’s article, “Participatory Media & Culture: The Spirit of the Human,” written with Caroline Jones and former MATC students Julie Good and Tate English, appears in the latest issue of Technoculture.

2007 MFA fiction graduate Amelia Gray has a story in the February 9 issue of The New Yorker. It is from her story collection, Gutshot, which will be published by Farrar, Strauss & Giroux in April.

Miscellany – January 30, 2014


MFA fiction student Heather Lefebvre’s story’s “Baby” appears online at Story|Houston: http://www.storyhouston.com/?page_id=1921.

Pinfan Zhu’s article “On the Right Strategy for Translating Technical and Business Information” was published in the latest issue of the International Journal of Education and Social Science. His “Translation Criteria: How They May Affect International Business” was accepted by the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication for a forthcoming issue.

MARC graduate and MFA fiction student Graham Oliver has an essay entitled “How to Write Like George R. R. Martin” at Fiction Advocate: http://fictionadvocate.com/2015/01/28/how-to-write-like-george-r-r-martin/.

MFA fiction student Anabel Graff was named one of three winners of the 2014 Prada-Feltrinelli Prize, which celebrates emerging writers.  The ceremony was held on January 19 at Prada headquarters in Milan. Her story, “The Prom at the End of the World,” released by Italian publishing house Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, is available at http://www.prada.com/en/eyewear/special-projects/prada-journal-2014.html.

Eric Leake’s interview with Nancy Sommers, “Enter the Process in Uncertainty,” written with David Masiel, appears in the latest issue of Writing on the Edge.

MFA fiction graduate Katie Angermeier Haab is the new Executive Director of the Austin Bat Cave, which offers guidance to young creative writers: http://austinbatcave.org/.

MFA poetry student Autumn Hayes has been invited to read at Houston’s Public Poetry reading series this spring and fall.

MFA fiction student Allison Myers’ short story “Conditions” has won the John Steinbeck Award. The prize is sponsored by Reed Magazine, which will publish the story later this spring.

Miscellany – January 19, 2014


Roger Jones’ poetry chapbook Familial has been accepted by the Finishing Line Press, with publication set for 2015.

MARC graduate Amanda (Rice) Rawlinson is the new Human Resources Manager for the International American University-College of Medicine, in Dallas, TX.

MFA fiction graduate and current Lecturer Chris Margrave’s “Covington is the Non-Place for Me: Walker Percy’s Topophilia in the Deserts of Theory and Consumption” appears in Reconstruction: http://reconstruction.eserver.org/Issues/144/Margrave.shtml.

Octavio Pimentel has signed a contract with Palgrave Macmillan for his book Historias de Éxito with Mexican Communities: Silenced Voices, which is scheduled to be out in print by June 2015. He also has agreed to serve as a “Featured Panelist” on a panel entitled “Dialog about Language,” to be offered at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in Tampa, Florida this spring.

Deb Balzhiser’s article, “Community Guides: Disrupting Oppression in Comment Threads on Social Sites,” written with Stephanie Vie (University of Central Florida) and Devon Fitzgerald Ralston (Miami University, Ohio), appears in the latest issue of Technoculture.

Rob Tally has been elected to the Executive Committee of the MLA’s Division on Literary Criticism. His book Poe and the Subversion of American Literature: Satire, Fantasy, Critique (Bloomsbury) was named a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2014. He recently published “Song of Saruman” in the Los Angeles Review of Books (December 27, 2014), a critique of the representation of the wizard in the Peter Jackson films: http://lareviewofbooks.org/essay/song-saruman. “Topophrenia: The Place of the Subject” appears in Reconstruction 14.4 (2014): http://reconstruction.eserver.org/Issues/144/Tally.shtml.

The MARC program will be well-represented at the 2015 South Central Writing Centers Association Conference (“What Starts Here Writes The World”), taking place at the University of Texas-Austin this February. Presenters include current students, graduates, and faculty: Cresta Bayley, Collin Couey: Shaun Ford, Nancy Wilson, Rachel Snow, Rebecca Jackson, and Kristin Riggs.

Trey Moody’s poem “My Sound Story” appears in the current issue of Pleiades.

Eric Leake’s chapter “The (Un)Knowable Self and Others: Critical Empathy and Expressivism” has been published in the collection Critical Expressivism: Theory and Practice in the Composition Classroom: http://wac.colostate.edu/books/expressivism/.

Miscellany – January 8, 2014


Administrative Assistant Danielle McEwen and her husband Ross are new parents. Emma was born January 6.

MFA fiction student Patrick Cline’s story, “Maybe a Calamity,” will appear in the upcoming winter issue of Zoetrope: All Story.

The Department received the good news recently that the estate of the late L. D. and Laverne Clark has bequeathed to the Department of English municipal bonds in the amount almost of $659,000 that the university will convert and add to the L.D. and Laverne Clark Literary Endowment. This bequest is in addition to the more than $800,000 the endowment received at its inception. In 2012, L. D. Clark authorized a revised memorandum of understanding that provided for an endowment dedicated to the creation of a writer-in-residence for the MFA program and a fiction-writing contest. The department will be working this spring to honor the terms of this MOU. Years ago, Mark Busby made contact with L. D. and Laverne Clark and fostered their interest in Texas State, the Southwest Writers Collection, and our MFA program. Since then, Mike Hennessy and Tom Grimes helped to maintain contact with the Clarks, at one time inviting L.D. to talk about writing to students bussed to campus from a nearby public school. More recently, we had occasions to be in contact with L.D. and, after Laverne’s death, his niece, Mrs. Colleen Clark Carri. The Department is very grateful to Mrs. Carri, who served as the executor of her uncle’s will, and we look forward to honoring the wishes and memory of L. D. and Laverne.

Miriam Williams and Octavio Pimentel’s edited book collection, Communicating Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in Technical Communication, was favorably reviewed in the December 2014 issue of the Society for Technical Communication Journal.  The reviewer noted, “Communicating Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in Technical Communication has wide-reaching potential for readers and uses. Possible readers include scholars in technical communication and intercultural communication, practicing technical writers, and graduate students. Numerous possibilities exist for using this book in graduate courses, such as introduction to technical communication, intercultural rhetoric, proposal and grant writing, and courses that incorporate discussion about social justice.”

MATC alumna Emmelyn Wang has accepted a position as Director of Web Product Marketing at Mouser Electronics in Mansfield, Texas. Mouser Electronics is an authorized distributor of semiconductor and electronic components for over 500 industry-leading suppliers.

Miriam Williams accepted an invitation to serve on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication.

Miscellany – issue 5 – fall 2010


MATC student Vita Haake gave birth on August 27 to Evelina Michelle (Evie). Evie was 7lbs 4.5oz and 20”long. Vita and Evie are both doing ne.

MATC alumna Sarah McNeely and husband Jeremy Bagley proudly announced the birth of Nora Kathryn McNeely-Bagley on ursday, July 29. Sarah, in the doctoral program at TCU, baby, and husband are all doing well.

e current issue of Technical Communication Quarterly includes an article co-authored by Dave Yeats, Ph.D., who is teaching a course in Project Management with the MATC program this fall. e article, “Mapping Technical and Professional Communication: A Summary and Survey of Academic Locations for Programs,” is written by Yeats and Isabelle ompson. Yeats, who has a doctorate in Technical Communication and Rhetoric from Texas Tech and has taught at Auburn University, is a partner in Sentier Strategic Resources in Austin, which does usability studies.

Tim’ O’Brien’s e ings ey Carried has been published by Houghton Mi in Harcourt in a special twentieth-anniversary hardback edition. Designated by e New York Times as a Book of the Century, e ings ey Carried now has more than two million copies in print.

Elizabeth Skerpan-Wheeler’s “ e First ‘Royal’: Charles I as Celebrity” will appear in the October 2011 issue of PMLA.

Michelle Detorie, MFA poetry graduate and former TA and KAP House Writer-in-Residence, has been hired to coordinate the Writing Center at Santa Barbara City College in California, where she had been working as an adjunct for several years.

Casie Moreland, Shana Hamid, Kristin “Cheyenne” Riggs (all MARC students), and Octavio Pimentel comprise the panel, “Ya Basta Con el Racismo!: Time to Recognize the OTHERS’ Space,” which has been accepted for the 2011 College Composition and Communication Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

e audio version of Tom Grimes’ Mentor: A Memoir has been published by Audible Books (read by the author). e book, published in August by Tin House Books, has been reviewed in e New York Times, e Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, e San Francisco Chronicle, and elsewhere. Michael Dirda, reviewing for the Post, writes, “From now on, anyone who dreams of becoming a novelist will need to read Tom Grimes’s brutally honest and wonderful Mentor.”

Stacy Muszynski, MFA ction graduate and former TA, is beginning a new job as a technical writer for Dell.

Priscilla Leder has published Seeds of Change: Critical Essays on Barbara Kingsolver (University of Tennessee Press). is edited collection, with an introduction and essay by Priscilla, contains pieces by Robin Cohen, Susan Hanson, and MFA poetry graduate Meagan Evans.

Through Texas State’s program to recognize influential faculty, Graeme Wend-Walker received several appreciation letters from students graduating in May.

Debra Monroe’s On the Outskirts of Normal: Forging a Family against the Grain, published in May by SMU Press, has been cited or reviewed by People, Vanity Fair, Salon, O: the Oprah Magazine, and several national newspapers. Chitra Divakaruni, reviewing for the Houston Chronicle, observes that the book is “infused with humor and compassion, by turns hilarious and heartbreaking.”

In May, MATC student Susan Rauch presented “Apocalypse Now Y1K: What a Revelation! A comparative-critical literary analysis of Anglo-Saxon text disguised as New Testament biblical study” at the International Congress in Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University. is past July she presented “Christiana: e Reincarnation of Margery or Bridget? Discerning authorship and characterization in e Pilgrim’s Progress: Part Two” at the Sixth International Conference of the International John Bunyan Society, held at Keele University in England. At the October meeting
of the Rocky Mountain MLA, she’ll read “Where the Boys (and Girls) Are: From the Pastons’ to Mulcaster’s English.”

Nelly Rosario participated in the “(Black) Movements: Poetics and Praxis” Conference, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia July 2010 and sponsored by Callaloo. In addition, Nelly is the recipient of the 2010 Alfredo Cisneros Del Moral (ACDM) Award, a grant created by author Sandra Cisneros to support Texas writers whose works show exceptional merit and who exhibit both extraordinary talent and profound commitment to the craft of writing.

Pinfan Zhu and co-author and Kirk St. Amant published “An Application of Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction to the Teaching of Website Localization” in a recent issue of the Journal of Technical Writing & Technical Communication. Pinfan also published “Problematic Graphics at A ect International Business” in the Journal for Global Business Education.

Ryan Bayless’ poem, “ e Forest’s Daughter,” appears in the current issue of Hawk & Whippoorwill.

MFA ction graduate Scott Blackwood’s debut novel, We Agreed to Meet Just Here, was a nalist for the 2010 PEN/USA ction award.

Suzanne Jamir – 2004 MFA ction graduate, former TA, and PhD in English from Florida State University – is now teaching at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU).

In August, Kendall Klym, 2003 MFA ction graduate and former TA, completed his Ph.D. in English at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

e Southern Review has accepted Tomas Morin’s poem “Carita Romana” for publication in
a special Americana feature next Spring. In addition, Tomas was chosen as the winner of the Boulevard 2010 Emerging Poets Contest; the prize is $1,000 and publication in the Spring 2011 issue of all three poems in his winning entry.

Twister Marquiss’ photo portfolio, “Wyoming, Summer 2010,” will be featured in an upcoming issue of Narrative Magazine. e collection includes 13 images of northeastern Wyoming ranchlands.

William Jensen, MFA ction student, has just had his rst two stories accepted: “A Voice in the Wilderness” by e Warehouse, and “Women and Children” by New Plains Review.

Tom Grimes’ Mentor: A Memoir has been selected as a featured memoir by Apple’s iBooks store and as a recommended book by McSweeny’s. He will be interviewed this fall for the “Conversations with the Iowa Writers Workshop” series, and an interview with him will appear in a forthcoming issue of e Associated Writing Program’s Writer’s Chronicle.

MFA poetry student Scot Briggs has two poems – “Not for Identi cation” and “Target Practice” – in the current issue of Blood Orange Review.

Nancy Wilson’s interview with Dr. Sylvia M. Casillas Olivieri, Director of the Reading and Writing Center at the University of Turabo in Puerto Rico, will appear in the next issue of Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. e interview was conducted and will be published in both Spanish and English.

Graeme Wend-Walker recently completed Allies training, joining a number of English Department faculty and sta who have participated in the workshops.

A panel organized by Octavio Pimentel for the 2011 Conference on College Composition and Communication, comprised of three graduate students from the MARC program, has been

selected as a “featured panel” for the convention next March. is designation is rare, perhaps unprecedented, for a panel consisting of three Master’s students from a single school. It will bring national exposure to the MARC.

In its summer issue, Poetry Quarterly will publish two poems by MFA poetry student Jason Coates: “Void” and “Symbols for Loss and the Intangible.”

Two more photo portfolios by Twister Marquiss have been selected to appear in Narrative Magazine. ese second and third portfolios – “Skies” and “Spaces,” both from the Wyoming, Summer 2010 collection – will appear in issues over the next year.

e September 30 University Star o ered a front-page article on the Writing Center’s rst speaker in its “Writing Beyond the University” series – Dan Quinn, communications director with the Texas Freedom Network.

Ryan Bayless’ poem, “Gulf Oil Spill: Day Negative One,” was recently published in Poets for Living Waters, a “poetry action” website created in response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Another of Ryan’s poems, “At the Exact Moment the Car Slammed into Me,” will appear in the October issue of Right Hand Pointing.

Sonya Kraus, from the O ce of the Vice President for Student A airs, reports that the following faculty received letters of appreciation from students graduating this past summer: Libby Allison, Deb Balzhiser, Rebecca Bell-Metereau, John Blair, Paul Cohen, Robin Cohen, Pat Evans, Nancy Grayson, Chad Hammett, Susan Hanson, Elvin Holt, Rebecca Jackson, Caroline Jones, Priscilla Leder, Dan Lochman, Patty Margerison, Debra Monroe, Susan Morrison, Marilynn Olson, Kathleen Peirce, Octavio Pimentel, Jon Marc Smith, Graeme Wend-Walker, Nancy Wilson, Steve Wilson and Pinfan Zhu.

MFA student Colin Pope’s poem “Doggy Heaven” appears in the current issue of Slate. October

Nancy Wilson notes that William Pate, MARC student, is volunteering as Coordinator of the Writing Center’s “Writing Beyond the University” series. e rst speaker – Dan Quinn from the Texas Freedom Network – did an exceptional job and was very well received by the students. e next speaker is Sam Martin, Director of content strategy at frog design and editor-in-chief of frog’s print magazine design mind. He’ll be speaking on October 21 at 4:00 P.M., in FH G04. e third and nal speaker in the series will be named soon.

e Summer 2010 issue of Modern Language Studies contains Rob Tally’s book review of editor David Damrosch’s Teaching World Literature (MLA 2009). Rob’s essay, “Let Us Now Praise Famous Orcs: Simple Humanity in Tolkien’s Inhuman Creatures” will appear in the Fall / Winter issue of Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Mythopoeic Literature.

Southwestern American Literature is pleased to announce several major accolades, both for the journal and its writers. First, Best of the West 2010 includes two stories published in SAL in the last year: “Cinéma Vérité” by John Blanchard is a featured piece, and “Wildlife Rehabilitation” by Lowell Mick White is listed under “Other Notable Western Stories of the Year.” ( e New Yorker, Harper’s, Esquire, and Glimmer Train were among the few other journals/magazines with two or more pieces listed). Poet Sherwin Bitsui, whose work appeared in the special poetry issue of SAL last year, has been named winner of the 2010 PEN Open Book Award; the poems published in SAL are part of his winning collection, Flood Song. And Texas State MFA ction graduate Anna Green’s story “Hohokam,” which appeared in the Spring 2010 issue of SAL, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Green will be reading the story at the Western Literature Association’s national conference in Prescott, Arizona, later this month (SAL assistant editor Twister Marquiss and editorial advisor John Dean will be appearing on that panel as well).

A review of Tom Grimes’ Mentor: A Memoir appeared in the October 12 Austin-American Statesman. About the book, reviewer Avis Shivani wrote “Grimes has perhaps written a memoir that exceeds its own bounds, delivering more than he set out to write. at’s a very good thing to say about any book.”

Deb Balzhiser and Becky Jackson will each present papers on their panel, “Mapping Contested Spaces for the Undergraduate Major in Writing and Rhetoric,” at the 2011 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Atlanta, GA.

Congratulations to ction graduate Amelia Gray, whose second work of ction, Museums of the Weird, was published this month and reviewed in e New York Times Book Review.

Steve Wilson’s essay “Journeys Westward: e Complicated Irish West in Somerville & Ross’ ‘Matchbox’ and ‘An Irish Problem’” will appear in an upcoming issue of CEA Critic.

Marc Watkins is now a Contributing Editor at Boulevard. He also has a new story published in the online edition of Dark Sky Magazine.

Ben Engel’s story “In the Forest” was published in the October Queer-themed issue of Pank. MFA ction graduate Owen Egerton’s MFA thesis novel, e Book of Harold, the Illegitimate

Son of God, has been published in a handsome hardbound edition by Dalton Publishing.

On October 19, Rob Tally was featured as one of the “Texas State Faces” on the University’s blog. e feature, entitled “Professor pioneers geocritical approach for studying literature,” can be read here: http://txstateu.wordpress.com/.

Former Administrative Assistant and MA Literature graduate Leslie Allen has a new job in Miami, where she and her daughters moved after Leslie left her position in the English Department. Leslie is now executive assistant to the Director of Marketing and Advertising for Miami Today. Her job involves general administrative duties and a great deal of writing and editing.


MATC student Susan Davey has been awarded Sta Educational Development Leave for Spring 2011. e program pays full tuition and reduces a semester’s weekly work hours for a sta member to help her/him complete coursework.

Robin Cohen’s article, “Landscape, Story, and Time as Elements of Reality in Silko’s ‘Yellow Woman,’” from the fall 1995 issue of Weber: e Contemporary West, will be reprinted in the new edition of Short Story Criticism, a reference work published by the Gale Group.

On October 28th, Tom Grimes read from his memoir, Mentor, as part of the “Live from Prairie Lights” series. e reading was streamed live from Iowa City via Iowa Public Radio.

MA Literature graduate Elizabeth Welch has been hired the teach composition courses next spring at Wake Technical Community College in Raleigh, North Carolina.

John Blair’s poems, “Oleander,” “Winter Storm, New Orleans” and “ e Dogs of Grass,” were accepted for the next edition of e Southern Poetry Anthology; and his poem, “ e Capillary Attraction of Planetary Gravities,” was accepted for the special “Americana” issue of the Southern Review. In addition, John won the St. Petersburg Review’s annual poetry prize ($1000 & publication) for his poem “ e Yellow Christ.”

MFA graduate Trey Moody’s chapbook, Climate Reply, was just published by New Michigan Press. Dan and Alice Lochman are grandparents. Baby Ivy Alice Lochman was born in Austin November 2 to Michael and Kelly Lochman. Ivy weighed in at 9 lb, 5oz and measured 21.”

MATC alumna and former MATC Graduate Assistant Melanie (“Lonie”) McMichael has completed her Ph.D. in Technical Communication and Rhetoric at Texas Tech University.

Tomas Morin’s two poems, “ e Grave of the Left Hand” and “Pagliacci,” appear in the fall issue of the on-line journal Cerise. In addition, Tomas’ interview with poet Robin Ekiss is published in the current issue of Boxcar Poetry Review.

Paul Cohen was chosen as a Favorite Professor by the Texas State chapter of Alpha Chi National College Honor Society.

MA Literature student Heather Anastasiu has just signed with an agent from Inkwell Management for her young adult novel, Glitch.

“Drunk At Dodge City On Karaoke Night Watching Him Play Pool,” a poem by MFA poetry student John Fry, appears in the October 2010 issue of Breadcrumb Scabs: a poetry magazine this spring; the poem was chosen as the Editor’s Pick for the October issue. In addition, St. Sebastian Review has accepted his poems “On e Nature Of ” and “Like A Partial Lunar Eclipse In February” for their inaugural issue.

MFA ction graduate Bob Pomeroy has been hired as a paralegal by the Legal Aid Society of New York.

MATC alumna Teri Speece and her husband Jason, of San Antonio, welcomed their new baby boy, Dylan Richard Speece, on Oct. 13, 2010.

The latest issue of Front Porch, edited by MFA students, is now online.

MFA ction student Gwynne Middleton reports that the new issue of Precipitate is online. Gwynne co-edits the journal, and is assisted by a number of MFA students, some of whom also contributed reviews to the current issue.

Steve Wilson’s poem, “L’Hotel des Grands Hommes,” will appear in Classi eds: An Anthology of Prose Poems, forthcoming in 2011.

e November 17 Texas State University blog o ers a story about the “Teaching Poetry to Children” Honors course taught by MFA poetry graduate and Associate Director of the Honors Program Diann McCabe. e blog includes comments from several of the undergraduate students, including English major Valerie Vera, who are enrolled in the course and have served as visiting poetry teachers at Crockett Elementary this semester. Diann was recently inducted into the San Marcos Women’s Hall of Fame for her many contribution to the community.


e Hu ngton Post lists Front Porch, the online literary journal edited by Texas State MFA students, among the top ve online literary journals. In addition to the article ranking us among the top 15, a readers’ poll has us ranked as number 1.

Tom Grimes’ novel City of God has been reissued by Narrative Library in POD (Print On Demand) hardcover, POD softcover (in January), iBook, Kindle, and other e-book formats.

MA Literature student Sarah Youree has just published an article in the online journal Teaching American Literature: A Journal of eory and Practice. Adapted from a chapter in her recent thesis (Sarah will graduate this December), Sarah’s essay (“’ e Immense Remote, the Wild, the Watery, the Unshored’: Exploring the Ocean as Heterotopia in Moby-Dick”) can be found here.

Oscar Houck, a student in Susan Hanson’s ENG 3311 class, has just published an essay written for Susan’s class on the Cell 2 Soul: e Humane Health Care Blog, published by the online journal Cell 2 Soul.

Kristi Rickman, Student Services Coordinator at the Round Rock Higher Education Center,
wrote Writing Center Director Nancy Wilson to praise Lisa Tomacek-Bias’ work as Coordinator
of the Writing Center’s Round Rock branch: “I just wanted to write a quick note about Lisa. Our students here are constantly expressing how wonderful she is to work with. She is very patient, thorough, and can explain concepts in a way that our students really grasp the feedback. ank you so much for sharing her teaching and tutoring talents with the RR students.”

Ben Engel, a recent graduate of the MFA program in poetry who was an adjunct lecturer in the English Department, has accepted a job in Minneapolis serving as an ELA specialist for Data Recognition Corporation, a publishing company specializing in education materials.

Jaime Mejia has been appointed to the Editorial Board of College Composition and Communication.

Kristin “Cheyenne” Riggs (MARC student) and Sonia Arellano (MA Literature) have been selected as two of ten recipients, chosen nationally, of the 2011 Scholars for the Dream Travel Awards
to attend the College Composition and Communication Conference in Atlanta, Georgia this upcoming spring.

e November 23rd edition of the Texas State blog highlighted Steve Wilson’s work as Campus Representative for the Fulbright Program.

Debra Monroe’s book On the Outskirts of Normal is featured in the 2010 Barnes & Noble Review “Year’s Best Reading.” Amy Benfer writes that the book “transmutes [an] everyday struggle into something approaching inspiration.”

Octavio Pimentel will present at e Southwest Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS) conference, to be held in Puerto Rico next spring.

Recent MFA poetry graduate Heather Robinson has accepted an o er from Trofholz Technologies Inc., for whom she will teach ESL full-time at the Defense Language Institute, Lackland AFB, in San Antonio.

A short story by MFA ction student Ali Haider, “Ten-Pin Knockdown in Hurricane Alley,” will appear in the next edition of Mary Magazine, an online journal based out of St. Mary’s College of California.

English major Valerie Vera has been selected to serve as a 2011 Fellow in the Moreno/Rangel Legislative Leadership Program. Moreno/Rangel Interns are placed with a member of the Texas House of Representatives and work full-time during the legislative session as paid policy interns alongside experienced Legislative sta . Valerie’s internship runs for the entire Legislative session: January 11 through May 30. is is an extraordinary honor for Valerie. We are proud to claim her as an English major.

Tom Grimes’ Mentor: A Memoir has been chosen as a “Best Winter Reading Selection” by American University Radio. e book also was selected as a “Best Non ction Book of 2010” by e Washington Post.

Aaron Deutsch had two poems accepted by Willows Wept Review for their January issue: “ is Witch’s Glass” and “A Compliment Under Porch Light.”

MFA ction student Collin Bost’s “Alternative Education,” the title story for his MFA thesis, will be published in the Spring/Summer issue of Quarterly West.

Graeme Wend-Walker’s article “ e Inexplicable Moon and the Postsecular Moment: e Apollo Program in Two Picturebooks” has been selected for publication in Children’s Literature.

Studying Abroad While Earning English Credit

Every summer, hundreds of Texas State students apply for passports, pack their bags, and leave the U.S. to study in foreign countries that become their homes and classrooms for several weeks. Over the past two summers, I, Zane Altemus, Gabriella Cusato, and Gloria Russell were among the many students from the English Department who took part in Study Abroad programs while earning credit for courses at Texas State.

Zane (an English and Mass Communication double major) and Gabriella (a Mass Communication major and English minor) studied English in Madrid and Barcelona, Spain this past summer as part of the Texas State in Spain program, directed by Dr. Edna Rehbein. Zane says he embarked on his study abroad trip because “everything fell into place” and he was able to cover costs with grants and scholarships available through the university. He and Gabriella enrolled in Studies in World Literature (ENG 3341) and The Interdisciplinary Approach to Literature (ENG 3343) to satisfy two Advanced English requirements. However, while the trip allowed Zane to satisfy some important degree requirements, he soon found himself captivated by the Spanish culture and people. Zane recounts how, one afternoon, following a long walk outside of Barcelona, he and his fellow students were entranced by the country’s scenery. Planning to take pictures at the base of a cliff outside the city, Zane’s group wandered upon a soccer game played by local children and they stopped to watch. “It was one of the more human moments of the trip,” he explains. Zane’s trip offered him the unique opportunity of interacting with the culture and places he was studying in the classroom, one of the primary benefits of participating in a study abroad program.

Aiming to “see a new piece of the world, experience a new culture and broaden [her] perspective,” Gabriella was also able to explore the world by participating in the Texas State in Spain program. Noting she wanted to “challenge [her]self to grow and adapt in a new environment,” she describes the first-hand experiences she had while immersed in Spain’s cultural traditions: “an incredible flamenco show, original Picasso paintings, centuries-old architecture,” as well as “visiting an old bullfighting ring in Madrid and learning how important the tradition of bullfighting is to the Spanish people.” She treasures her experiences abroad, finding that “every bit of Spain is dripping with passion.”

This passion and history also influenced recent graduate Gloria Russell, who completed her degree in English with a concentration in Creative Writing in 2018. Gloria participated in two study abroad programs during her time at Texas State: the Texas State in Ireland and Texas State in Canterbury programs. Gloria took Anthropology courses in the latter program to support her degree requirements; the Texas State in Canterbury program currently offers a wide range of Anthropology and Social Work courses taught by Ms. Stacy McGee and Dr. Jon McGee. Gloria remembers particularly the moment France won the 2018 FIFA World Cup. On a weekend trip to Paris to explore the catacombs below the city, Gloria found herself exiting this historic underground space to the lively streets of Paris, where French flags hung from the windows above as crowds gathered for an impromptu parade celebrating the French victory. Gloria witnessed the parade unfold on the streets, meeting friends and returning a celebratory “Viva France!” to the locals she passed. Thinking back on that moment, she explains that she “didn’t speak French, but [she] didn’t have to.”

Gloria also had the opportunity to participate in the Texas State in Ireland program, the longest-running Study Abroad English program in the English Department. Spending five weeks in Ireland’s second largest city, Cork, students such as Gloria and myself studied Irish Literature (ENG 3341) and Mythology (ENG 3329), taught by Mr. Steve Wilson and Dr. Nancy Wilson. While exploring a country steeped in centuries-old mythology, students in this program investigate the mythological foundations that still influence the architecture, landscape, agriculture, and belief systems of Ireland. During my time in Ireland, I was often surprised and humbled by my introduction to the humorous and kind Irish people whose fictional counterparts appeared in the literature I studied during the program, as well as on my daily walks down Western Road toward the University College-Cork campus and the city. My own curiosity had me on a bus or train almost every spare moment as I went off to explore nearby towns and cultural sites. My favorite of these adventures was to the small town of Ballyvourney, where, after a bus ride to the west of County Cork followed by a short hike, I discovered the Holy Well and Monastic Site of St. Gobnait, a medieval Irish saint. This remarkable experience supported my discussion of St. Gobnait and her mythological representation as a goddess in the paper I completed as part of my coursework.

Many Summer 2020 Study Abroad programs, like the ones highlighted above, are accepting applications now for students interested in fulfilling degree requirements abroad. Among these is a new program that caters to students looking for English courses in study abroad: Texas State in Merida. Based in Mexico, the program offers Mexican Translation in Literature (ENG 3341) and Travel Writing (ENG 3311), in which students will evaluate translated Mexican literature, from pre-indigenous stories to 20th century poetry; and complete a travel blog. Program Director Dr. Laura Ellis-Lai explains that the location is the true standout of this program though, describing the program’s highlights as “living with local families in homestays, swimming in cenotes, visiting Mayan pyramids, going to the beach, visiting museums, enjoying traditional siestas in hammocks, and reading some of the best authors from the rich literary landscape of Mexico.”

To obtain more information about the Texas State in Spain, Texas State in Canterbury, Texas State in Ireland, and Texas State in Mexico programs, or others that will support English degree requirements, students should attend the upcoming Education Abroad Fair on October 30th. They can also contact the directors of the various programs, which can be found at the Education Abroad website.

— Kennedy Farrell, English major

News – Special Topics 

From exploring texts about Chicana/o border ballads to evaluating the Blues as an influence on African-American literature, each semester professors in the Texas State English Department teach a broad range of Special Topics Advanced English courses that inspire student curiosity and excitement. These courses reflect the diversity of student interests at Texas State, as well as the talents and scholarly interests of the faculty who create them. Many of these courses are offered only once, providing students unique experiences to examine timely, intriguing topics as part of their college educations. Among the many Special Topics courses on offer for the upcoming Spring 2020 semester are Dr. Eric Leake’s course on “The Rhetoric of the Emotions” (ENG 3318, Group D), Dr. Elvin Holt’s single-author course on African-American writer August Wilson (ENG 3341, Group B), Dr. Sara Ramirez’s “Chicana/o Myth” course (ENG 3329, Group B), and Mr. Steve Wilson’s course on “The Literature of Resistance” (ENG 3340, Group B).

Students taking Dr. Leake’s course, “The Rhetoric of the Emotions,” will investigate representations of emotion in writing from “rhetorical, cultural, social, and embodied perspectives.” Their multidisciplinary study of the “theories of emotion and how emotions function rhetorically in everyday texts, experiences, and relations” will culminate in a personal journaling project, in which students will write about events from their own lives. In another project, students will select an emotion and research “the rhetorical significance of that particular emotion” in literature, scholarship, and their lives. Together, these projects will allow students to share and evaluate their own experiences with emotion, promising an exciting intersection between literary scholarship and personal experience.

Dr. Holt’s “August Wilson” course will consider Wilson’s undeniable influence on African-American literature, as well as the social impact of Wilson’s work and his treatment of race and history. According to Dr. Holt, students will discuss the “four B’s’ … Romare Bearden (collages), Amiri Baraka (black nationalism), Jorge Luis Borges (magical realism), and the blues (creative aesthetic),” each offering a lens through which to examine Wilson’s plays and highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of the course. Not only will students enrolled in this course study Wilson’s creative and cultural influence, but they also will perform a scene from one of the playwright’s works as part of their course project – encouraging them to become both young literary scholars and artists themselves.

Dr. Ramirez’s course on Chicana/o myth will investigate important elements of Chicana/o mythological narratives, beginning with “Aztlán, the mythical homeland, and its characterization in various cultural productions.” Students also will consider several deities from the Nahua and Mayan mythological pantheons that offer a framework for discussing Feminist Chicana mythology. Transported to mythologized border spaces, students will focus on assigned texts – Gloria E. Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera, Virginia Grise’s blu, and Cherríe Moraga’s The Hungry Woman – that will instruct their study of border ballads as they relate to Feminist Chicana myth. Dr. Ramirez notes that the course is interdisciplinary in its examination of mythological adaptation, addressing, in particular, “the three mothers known in Chicana/o mythology: la Llorona, la Malinche, and Guadalupe.”

Students enrolling in Mr. Wilson’s course on “The Literature of Resistance” may find themselves similarly transported as they evaluate “the complicated relationship between aesthetics and politics” in texts portraying resistance by and reactions to oppressed groups. The required texts address such topics as gender, sexuality, race, and class-based oppression – from Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, set in a dystopian future; to Helena Viramontes’ Under the Feet of Jesus, set in California and exploring the lives of Latin-American migrant workers. Discussing methods of resistance and the characterization of this resistance in literature will allow students to draw conclusions about the social impact of politicized texts that influence a variety of audiences and strive for social reform.

The courses highlighted above are only a few of the Special Topics courses available during the Spring 2020 semester. The full list of Spring 2020 Special Topics courses, as well as course descriptions for all Spring 2020 Advanced English classes, are available at the English Department website. These documents provide course codes, CRN, descriptions, names of faculty, and the degree requirement each course satisfies. Registration begins October 22, 2019.

-Kennedy Farrell, English major