Miscellany – September 15, 2022

Jennifer duBois’s fourth novel, The Last Language, will be published by Milkweed Books in fall 2023.

Becky Jackson’s article “Studying Emotion and Emotional Labor Over Time and Context” (coauthored with Jackie Grutsch McKinney and Nicole Caswell) was published in Emotions and Affect in Writing Centers, Eds. Janine Morris and Kelly Concannon, Parlor Press, 2022.

MFA Visiting Professor James Han Mattson has a new novel, The Grand Impostors, forthcoming from William Morrow. The suspense-driven novel is centered around three characters’ relationships with ghosts—a man who witnessed a traumatic event as a child and can’t tell where truth ends and imagination begins, a paranormal investigator with a rare eye disease that creates auras, and a Korean adoptee searching for signs of her mother in the afterlife—exploring what it means to be haunted and why we choose to believe.

Logan Fry’s poems “Homer” and “God’s Breath” appear in Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry & Opinion No. 15, now available at https://www.lanaturnerjournal.com/.

Rob Tally was interviewed on the BBC London radio show, Sunny and Shay. There he discussed his soon-to-be-published book J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’: Realizing History Through Fantasy. His portion of the interview goes from 27:00 minutes to 55:00 minutes. Listen here: https://buff.ly/3RxKzNO

MFA Poetry Candidate Isra Noreen Cheema’s poem “Koi Pond” was published by Shout Your Abortion and is available here: https://shoutyourabortion.com/writing/koi-pond/

Vanessa Couto Johnson has a poem in Abandon Journal‘s 3rd issue, “Unerased | Steep steps“, and two poems in Angel Rust‘s 14th issue, “fist things fist” and “heavens to murgatroyd (Snagglepuss Ghazal).”


Note: Please email your news to miscellany@txstate.edu or to Miriam Williams at mfw@txstate.edu.