Miscellany – November 2017


A very few spots are still open for the English Department’s Texas State in Ireland program. If you’re still thinking about how wonderful it would be to spend five weeks in Cork and contemplate mythology from the heights of the beautiful Irish coastline, contact Steve Wilson at sw13@txstate.edu for more information or to set up an application interview.

MATC Graduate Assistant Dyllan Scott and his wife Adele welcomed baby girl Robyn Abigail at 12:57 am, Friday, October 13. Robyn was 7 lb 13 oz, and joins brother Landyn, 3, and sister Madelyn, 1.

Please join Kathleen PeirceLisa Olstein, and Cecily Parks at Malvern Books (613 West 29th Street, Austin) for the launch of Kathleen’s Vault. Friday, November 3, 7pm.

Authors Jim Shepard and John Freeman will discuss the fiction and poetry of Denis Johnson at the Katherine Anne Porter House on Friday, November 3 at 6:30 pm.

Senior Lecturer Flore Chevaillier will be conducting the next Professionalizing Workshop on November 6 from 5-6 pm in FH 376. The topic will be on writing statements of purpose. For more information, contact Flore at fc@txstate.edu

The university Graduate College has a couple of important events coming up this month for grad students. On Monday, November 6, the Graduate College will present a webinar from noon-1 pm on “Formatting your Thesis/Dissertation.” http://signup.txstate.edu/sessions/3302-grad-college-shop-talk-webinar-formatting-your-thesis-dissertation-q-a. On November 29, a workshop for prospective applicants for the Celebrity Classic Scholarship and/or the Graduate College Scholarship will be held. For more information: http://signup.txstate.edu/sessions/3539-grad-college-shop-talk-webinar-tips-for-graduate-college-scholarship-applications

A forum titled “Re-writing El Otro Lado/La Frontera: The New Latino Americanism” will be presented by the Department of Modern Languages and the Department of English on November 8 from 5:30-7:30 in FH 230. The forum will feature authors and scholars Dr. José Palacios, Dr. Francisco Laguna Correa, and Dr. Carlos Abreu in a discussion of distinct narrative projects deployed by new Latinxs and Chicanxs writers to problematize their transnational experiences in the face of growing political hostilities towards Latin American immigrant communities in the United States.

The next Graduate Student Drop-In at the English Department’s graduate office (FH 361) will be on Monday, November 13 from 5-6:30 pm. Stop in for coffee, tea, refreshments, and conversation.

Sigma Tau Delta has a book sale every first Monday and third Tuesday of the month from 9-3 in FH 108. And, they will have their new T-shirts on sale. Very nice!

Faculty are asked to encourage their students to apply for English Department scholarships. Qualifications, types of scholarships, and an application form are available on the English Department Web site, at the “Student Resources” link. The deadline is March 1, 2018: http://www.english.txstate.edu/studentres/scholarships.html


Max Petri, an International Studies student who took Libby Allison’s MATC “Rhetoric of Risk and Emergency Communication” course in fall 2016, developed a presentation from his course paper that was accepted at the Ninth International Research Conference for Graduate Students, November 8 at the LBJ Student Center. His paper, “Ebola in Liberia: A Narrative of the Communication Failures and Successes,” grew out of his time in the US Army where he developed a friendship and maintained correspondence with a Liberian Army officer who was in Liberia during the Ebola epidemic.

A profile of Professor Robert T. Tally and his work in spatial literary studies is scheduled to appear in this month’s issue of Texas Monthly.

Professor Rebecca Bell-Metereau was interviewed earlier this fall for a documentary by filmmaker Alexandre Phillipe, whose latest film 78/52, a feature-length exploration of Alfred Hitchcock’s shower scene in Psycho, will soon be released by IFC Midnight. In other news, Bell-Metereau’s book, Unbound Bodies, was reviewed in the New Review of Film and Television Studies (15:4, 395-399).

Lecturer Amanda North was one of ten Texas State University faculty or staff to be nominated for the Student Foundation’s Annual Foundations of Excellence award. A reception for faculty and staff awardees allowed members of Student Foundation to honor faculty and staff who have made a significant impact on their lives while students at Texas State.

Two poems by Lecturer Ashton Kamburoff, “Falsetto, Meaning False” and “Portrait as Streetlights Bloom,” are forthcoming in the winter issue of Rust+Moth. Also, her poem “Tagging Up” is forthcoming in a new anthology entitled “5 Years of Baseball Writing” which will be released through Cobalt Review in 2018.

In October, Coordinator of Graduate Programs and Senior Lecturer Flore Chevaillier participated in the “Philosophy Mixed” podcast series presented by the Texas State Philosophy Department, and KTSW. The podcast is about the correlations between narrative, corporeality, and textual materiality, which Flore examined in her first book, The Body of Writing: an Erotics of Contemporary American Fiction (The Ohio State University Press, 2013). Her recent book, Divergent Trajectories: Interviews with Innovative Fiction Writers (The Ohio State University Press, 2017), addresses how the manipulation of the materials of fiction—the page, the frames, the media, and the authoring tools that make books—call attention to the body of books.