Rachel Snow, an undergraduate English major who will begin the MARC program this summer, has been awarded a Graduate Merit Fellowship of $2,500 for the 2015-2016 academic year. The fellowship is designed to help recruit students of the “highest quality’ to master’s programs at Texas State.
Miles Wilson’s story, “Tough,” appears in the current issue of The Georgia Review. An interview with Miles appears in The Georgia Review Online:
On March 27th, MA-Literature graduate and current Lecturer Amanda Sabo, MFA poetry graduate Jeremy Bauer, and MA-Literature student Christine Zabala presented the panel “From Virginia Woolf to Batgirl: The Failure of Democracy’s Promise” at the Women and Gender Symposium, held at Texas State.
Rob Tally’s essay “Beyond the Flaming Walls of the World: Fantasy, Alterity, and the Postnational Constellation” appears in The Planetary Turn: Relationality and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru (Northwestern Univ. Press, 2015).
Libby Allison has been invited to participate in Multicultural Curriculum Transformation Institute, sponsored by Texas State’s Center for Diversity and Gender Studies.
MARC student Clare Murray presented “‘Suppose there were a Narnian World’: C.S. Lewis’s Rhetorical Use of Supposals” at the 18th Annual C.S. Lewis and Inkling Society Conference, held recently at Grove City College. Her essay received Honorable Mention in the competition for best Graduate student paper presented at the conference, for which Clare was awarded a small cash prize. On April 11 she will present “‘Well, That’s Your Opinion’ – Truth, Morality, and Religion in the Composition and Rhetoric Classroom” at the Texas State conference on “Religious Studies, the Liberal Arts, and the Public University.”
The English Department was well represented at the national Pop Culture Association / American Culture Association meeting held recently in New Orleans. MARC student Collin Couey presented “You and Your Crew: A Critical History of Rap Groups”; MFA fiction student Theresa Holden read her short story, “What Are the Vitals?”; MFA fiction student Graham Oliver presented “Renegade or Paragon: Narrative Choice in Contemporary Video Games”; and MATC student Amanda Scott presented “‘Shorty Wanna Be a Thug’: The Dynamics of Gender in Rap Groups.”