MFA fiction graduate and Lecturer Ross Feeler’s short story, “The Noise of Departure,” appears in the current issue of the Potomac Review: (
Stacey Swann, MFA graduate in fiction, has sold her novel to Random House.
MFA fiction student Ryan Lopez’s short story “Party of Eight” was published recently in the digital literary magazine Hypnopomp:
“Senior Lecturer and MFA fiction graduate William Jensen attended the Western Literature Association Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, this October. Mr. Jensen read from a creative work in progress currently titled Badlands.”
MFA poetry graduate and Lecturer Meg Griffitts’ poem “How to Tell You’re The Right Kind of ( )” has been accepted for publication by fields and will be featured in the upcoming fall/winter issue.
MATC graduate and Senior Lecturer Amanda Scott’s essay, “Project/Object,” has been accepted for publication in phoebe.
“A Daughter Goes to Work,” a poem by MFA poetry graduate and Lecturer Katherine Stingley, was named a finalist for the Francine Ringold Award for New Writers, sponsored by Nimrod International Journal; a second poem, “Seven Husbands,” was named a semifinalist for the same award.
Steve Wilson and MFA poetry graduate Prudence Arceneaux read from their recent collections at Malvern Books on November 18. Steve’s poem “After All” will appear in Awake in the World, a collection of texts about the natural world that will be published next spring.
Alan Schaefer, co-editor of The Journal of Texas Music History, announced that the 2018 issue is now in print and available for free from the Center for Texas Music History in Brazos Hall.
Leah Schwebel’s “Triumphing over Dante in Petrarch’s Trionfi” appears in volume 39 of the 2018 issue of Mediaevalia.
On November 3, Dan Lochman presented the paper “Who knows … Colin Clout? Experiences of Remembering (and Forgetting) in Spenser’s Writing” at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference in Albuquerque, NM. He serves on the organization’s Executive Council, which has begun preparations for the 50th Sixteenth Century Studies Conference by returning next fall to its original site, St. Louis.
Rob Tally contributed five entries to the Bloomsbury Handbook of Literary and Cultural Theory: “Episteme,” “Jameson, Fredric” “Negation,” “Oedipus Complex,” and “Overdetermination.”
MATC student Megahlee Das presented “How can Technical Communication Programs Prepare Students to Work in International Environments?” at Texas State University’s 10th Annual International Research Conference on November 14th. She is scheduled to present “From Apu to Alex Parrish: Pop Culture and Perception of Outsourcing and Collaboration in the Technical Communication Industry” at the 40th Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture in Albuquerque, New Mexico in February 2019.