Miscellany – June 27, 2016


Emelia Rae Salzmann was born on June 9th at 7:13 p.m., weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. Mother Alicia Salzmann and baby are both doing well.


Kitty Ledbetter’s article titled “Periodicals for Women” has been published in the Routledge Companion to Victorian Periodicals. She recently attended a book launch at the University of Greenwich for contributors to the volume. While in the UK she also conducted research at the British Library and presented a paper titled “Cultural Value and Essay Competitions in Victorian Women’s Periodicals” at a conference held by Plymouth University Nineteenth-Century Studies on The Operation and Representation of ‘Judgement’ in 19th-Century Cultures.


Marilynn Olson gave a talk entitled “Billy Whiskers (1902-1930): Nation-Building in an Age of Change” to the graduate students in children’s literature at Beijing Normal University on June 3rd.  BNU is a major center for children’s literature in China, and the visit included a round-table discussion and significant interaction with thesis students.  On June 4th she attended the 3rd biennial US-China Symposium in Qingdao (also the first international children’s literature symposium, since representatives from Japan, Taiwan, and Australia were invited), giving another presentation “Some examples of the use of theories about cognition and cognitive distribution in The Rules of Summer by Shaun Tan (2013).


A committee comprised of Children’s Lit. scholars Marilynn Olson, Teya Rosenberg, Katie Kapurch, and Graeme Wend-Walker has been successful in its bid for Texas State to host the 2018 annual Children’s Literature Association Conference. The conference, which draws scholars from around the world, will be held in San Antonio in June 2018. It will be themed around “springs and rivers.”


Katie Kapurch’s article, “Something Else Besides a Daughter?: Maternal Melodrama Meets Postfeminist Girlhood in Tangled and Brave,” appears in the latest issue of The Lion and the Unicorn.


Mark Busby’s “McMurtry’s Best,” which appears in the July 2016 Texas monthly, is a companion piece to Skip Hollandsworth’s profile of Larry McMurtry at 80. Mark discusses his list of McMurtry’s six best books in addition to Lonesome Dovehttp://www.texasmonthly.com/the-culture/larry-mcmurtrys-best-books/.


Enkay Iguh (B.A. in English, Texas State, 2013; MFA in Creative Writing, NYU, 2015) has been named a 2016 NYC Emerging Writers Fellow by The Center for Fiction: http://www.centerforfiction.org/forwriters/grants-and-awards/?mc_cid=a4162db5cd&mc_eid=3c0df9a291.

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