MISCELLANY – July 1, 2024

Leah Schwebel’s monograph Tropes of Engagement: Chaucer’s Italian Poetics of Intertextuality is now available from the University of Toronto Press: https://utorontopress.com/9781487552602/tropes-of-engagement/.

Steve Wilson has poems coming out in three new anthologies: two poems in Blue (Jambu Press), a poem in The Senior Class: Poems on Aging (Lamar University Press) and a poem in Red Door Environmental and Nature Poetry (Red Door Press — Denmark). Poems are also coming out in the journals the cherita and swifts & slows.

Eric Leake presented “A Rhetorical Theory of Critical Empathy” at the biennial Rhetoric Society of America conference. He also co-presented the keynote address at the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning’s online summer symposium and presented at the symposium with Texas State developmental education doctoral student Krissica Harper on “Prompting and Recognizing Empathy in Student Writing.”

Cyrus Cassells’s poem “Wild Indigo, Because” is now featured in the African Diaspora Garden in the New York Botanical Garden. The official exhibition, which will be up for a year, is called African American Garden / Diaspora: Same Boat Different Stops. Besides Cyrus’s own recording, you can listen to a translation of the poem into Portuguese, Spanish, and Haitian Creole: https://www.nybg.org/event/african-american-garden/.

Robert Tally’s article “The Nomad in Situ; or, the Man of the Crowd in the Time of COVID,” a reading of Poe’s famous tale, appears in the latest issue of the American Book Review.

Selin Şencan’s article “Mapping Traumatized Bodies and Territories in Doris Lessing’s Mara and Dann: An Adventure” has been published in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Literature. Now an assistant professor at Izmir Democracy University in Turkey, Selin was a visiting scholar in the English Department in the Fall 2023.

In June, students in Joe Falocco’s ENG 2310 class performed scenes from Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew in the streets of Padua, the play’s setting. In the audience were fellow students in the Italy Summer Hub, a partnership between #TXST and the University of Padova. Check out photos from this and other adventures in Italy on the @TXSTEnglish Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/txstenglish/.

Note: Please email your news to miscellany@txstate.edu or, preferably, you can also submit to the Miscellany Form here: https://www.english.txst.edu/news/Miscellany-Submission.html.

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