MISCELLANY – November 2, 2020

Cyrus Cassells has been nominated as a candidate for Texas State Artist-Poet Laureate. This designation is the highest designation that the Texas Legislature gives in the arts.

English major Paloma Quevedo’s article “Turning Food Into Home Remedies Is My Love Language” was recently published in Bon Appétit Magazine: https://www.bonappetit.com/story/turning-food-into-home-remedies

Paloma credits Dan Price’s technical writing class for giving her the confidence to submit the piece. She is currently working on another article for Bon Appétit.

MFA Fiction student Nkiacha Atemnkeng’s article, “‘Try again next time’: My Three Visa Rejections,” is featured in The Guardian.


Susan Signe Morrison’s article, “What it was like voting as an American in Germany right before the Berlin Wall fell,” has just appeared in The Local.de, Germany’s News in English. “In a time when US absentee ballot signatures are being questioned, author Susan Signe Morrison remembers the 1988 election and a vexed incident of signature recognition.” It can be found here: https://www.thelocal.de/20201029/what-it-was-like-voting-as-an-american-in-germany-right-before-the-berlin-wall-fell?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter. Contact Susan for a copy of the article if you cannot access it. Her article, “‘[A]n Exterior Air of Pilgrimage’: The Resilience of Pilgrimage Ecopoetics and Slow Travel from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales to Jack Kerouac’s On the Road,” was recently published in Humanities: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0787/9/4/117

Graeme Wend-Walker’s “Children of the Night in a Sunburnt Country: Aristocrats and Outback Vampires” is lead chapter in a new volume from McFarland, Vampire Films Around the World: Essays on the Cinematic Undead of Sixteen Cultures.

Steve Wilson’s poetry appears in the new collection, Odes and Elegies: Eco-Poetry from the Texas Gulf Coast, out this week from Lamar University Literary Press.

Eric Leake attended a virtual discussion with students at Hunter College, where his article “Empathizer-in-Chief: The Promotion and Performance of Empathy in the Speeches of Barack Obama” was selected as the common reading for first-year writing courses this semester.

Allan Chavkin’s “Saul Bellow and Chicago” is forthcoming in 2021 in the print version of Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. It is currently available online here: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-62592-8_175-1

Miriam Williams has accepted an invitation to serve on The Ohio State University’s Department of Engineering Education Advisory Board. In October, she participated in a virtual panel discussion at the University of Houston-Downtown’s Biannual Forum on Plain English. In November, she will participate in a virtual panel discussion on plain language at the National Communication Association’s 106th Annual Convention.

MFA Fiction student Taylor Kirby’s poem “Synonym” was recently published in Pidgeonholes: http://pidgeonholes.com/2020/10/synonym/

Retired Professor Paul Cohen has recently published “Weatherman: Bob Dylan and the Wind” in Isis. He also published “The Latest Event in the History of the Novel” and “Theodora’s Complaint: Portraiture and Iconoclasm in Recent Fiction,” both in The Fortnightly Review. See here: https://fortnightlyreview.co.uk/2020/07/latest-event-history-novel/ and https://fortnightlyreview.co.uk/2020/10/portraiture-iconoclasm-fiction-new/

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