Miscellany – September 2017


MATC alumna Swati Sahi accepted a writing instructor position at Purdue University Northwest in Hammond, Indiana.

Lecturer Ben Reed was recently interviewed by The Daily Vonnegut about teaching Kurt Vonnegut’s short fiction to the millennial generation. You can find his interview here: https://thedailyvonnegut.com/interviews/benjamin-reed-teaching-harrison-bergeron/. In further good news from Ben, his story “After Landing at Heathrow International…” was just published in Meridian’s “(No) Borders” issue. Also, he mentored a research paper by his ENG 1320 student Atticus Finch that was recently accepted for publication by the Texas State Undergraduate Research Journal (TXSTUR). The paper’s title is “Law School and the Possible Recovery of America’s Legal Profession.” The paper is scheduled to appear in issue 5.1.

Lecturer Ram Hinojosa was awarded an NEA-funded fellowship for veterans for a two-week residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.

MFA Professor Cyrus Cassells’s poem “Elegy with a Gold Cradle,” which originally appeared in Agni, is in the new anthology, The Best American Poetry 2017, just out from Scribner’s. Cyrus has begun to serve a two-year appointment as of one of three judges for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize in Poetry.

Lecturer Ashton Kamburoff’s poem “Self-Portrait as Eldest Son” has been published in (b)oink, while another poem, “Decomposture,” is forthcoming in Calamity. A piece of flash non-fiction entitled “The Hagglers” is due out in issue 17 of Proximity in January.

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