“The Myth of the Colorblind Composition Classroom: White Instructors Confront White Privilege in Their Classrooms,” authored by Octavio Pimentel, Charise Pimentel and MFA fiction graduate Dean, appears in Performing Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication, published by The WAC Clearinghouse.
On October 9, MFA Faculty Doug Dost, Jennifer DuBois, Roger Jones and Steve Wilson read their work at Malvern Books in Austin.
Debra Monroe has published a researched essay in The Rumpus, titled “Trouble in Mind.” An essay by Debra has been cited by Houghton Mifflin’s annual anthology, Best American Essays (her 4th BAE “Notable” citation in 4 years); the essay, “The Wild Life,” was originally published in Texas Monthly and, in part, details the shambolic state of the Texas State campus when she arrived in 1992. Debra’s lyric essay (originally published in Hobart), titled “Transit, 1986,” is forthcoming in the Norton Anthology of Flash Fiction.
MARC student Nathaniel Hagemaster will present “De/Composing & Re/Visioning the Writing Center Frontier: Exploring Access in Writing Center Spaces” on a panel with MARC alumni Megan Boeshart and Shaun Bryan at the International Writing Centers Association conference in Denver, CO, in October.
Lecturer and MFA fiction graduate Ben Reed’s story “My Neighbor the Pilot” is winner of the 2016 Texas Observer Short Story Contest: In addition, his flash fiction piece, “Bull & Finches,” was recently published on The Open Bar, the blog for Tin House:; and his essay “Trigger Warning: Reflections on Politeness, Dystopia, and Concealed Firearms in the College Classroom” was recently accepted for publication by The Texas Review.
Two poems by Steve Wilson (“May Cold Front” and “Burrow”), along with his audio recordings of the poems, appear in the latest issue of Bluestem: