Susan Morrison was in Las Vegas recently to accept the Top Honors Book Award for Young Adult Fiction from Literary Classics, for her novel Grendel’s Mother: The Saga of the Wyrd-Wife: Susan also received a $1,000 UT Center for European Studies: MSI Faculty Travel Grant for her current project called A Wall Newspaper: A U.S.-East German University Exchange Program During the Cold War. The grant will support her travel for research next summer.
MATC student Jonathan Prichard has accepted a Peace Corps assignment in Ecuador, beginning in May. He will serve as a health extension volunteer, a position similar to a community health organizer.
Octavio Pimentel’s essay “Changing Discourse: Giving a New Voice to Latinos” has been accepted for the 51st annual meeting of the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies, to be held at the Universidad Autónoma de Campeche in Campeche, México next March.
MFA fiction graduate and Lecturer Daniel Keltner signed a publishing contract for his first book, Into That Good Night, which will be published by Skyhorse in early 2018.
“Formed by Place: Spatiality, Irony, and Empire in Conrad’s ‘An Outpost of Progress,'” co-authored by Rob Tally and MA Literature student Thais Rutledge, appears in the latest issue of Transnational Literature:
MFA poetry student Ashton Kamburoff’s poem “Tagging Up” is a finalist for the Earl Weaver Baseball Writing Prize, sponsored by Cobalt Review. The winner will be announced during the World Series. His poem “Elegy for Bob Kaufman” will appear in the December issue of Rappahannock Review.
MFA poetry student Meg Griffitts’ “Not Missing a Beat[ing]: Reconstructing Violence within a Feminist Economy,” was accepted for the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association conference, to be held February 2017 in Albuquerque, NM.
Kitty Ledbetter attended the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) conference in Phoenix, AZ, where she presented “Over the Teacups’ and The Woman at Home.”