MFA fiction student Ramiro G. Hinojosa’s short story, “Field Manual,” has been accepted for publication in War, Literature & the Arts.
In early February, Scott Mogull will present research entitled, “Intersection of Technical Communication and Marketing Genres: Spanning Silos through Product Documentation” at the Fifth Colloquium Technical Communication in the Field, hosted by the Université Paris Diderot.
MA Literature student Thais Rutledge has been accepted into The University of Texas at Austin’s PhD program in Comparative Literature, and will receive full funding.
Aimee Kendall Roundtree was interviewed on the “10 Minute Tech Comm” podcast about her article, “Social Health Content and Activity on Facebook: A Survey Study.” The episode is available at the following link: Aimee also received a $20K grant from State Farm to research and design an intervention for improving fire incident reporting strategies. She will use text mining and qualitative research methods to characterize best practices and identify barriers that hinder report accuracy, consistency, and quality. The project will help San Marcos and College Station Fire Departments set reporting guidelines, create reporting templates, and train firefighters.
Miles Wilson’s new and selected stories 1977-2017 will be published by the University of New Mexico Press. His literary papers have been acquired by the Southwestern Writers Collection.
Sections 1-20 of Kathleen Peirce’s book-length poem Vault will appear in the next issue of Poetry International, and the book will be published in its entirety by New Michigan Press, available in the fall of this year.
Rob Tally’s edited collection of essays, The Routledge Handbook of Literature and Space (Routledge 2017), has just been published:
Mark Busby’s collection of poetry, Through Our Times: Occasional Poems 1960-2017, is now out from Lamar University Literary Press.