“Hail to the Krueg,” a short story by Cedric Synnestvedt, MFA fiction graduate and current department Lecturer, will be in the January issue of Jabberwock Review.
MARC graduate Alexis McGee recently received her PhD from the University of Texas-San Antonio and has been hired as an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama.
Dan Lochman’s “’[T]he fault of the man and not the poet’: Sidney’s Troubled Double Vision of Thomas More’s Utopia” was published in Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme, 41.3 (Summer 2018), 93-115. It’s a special issue of the University of Toronto-based journal, titled “Utopia for 500 Years,” with papers from a September 2016 conference of the same name at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan.
Rob Tally’s new book, Topophrenia: Place, Narrative, and the Spatial Imagination, has just been published by Indiana University Press: https://www.amazon.com/Topophrenia-Narrative-Spatial-Imagination-Humanities/dp/0253037662/
MARC student Sarah Percy will present her research project, “Generation Z: Practicing Classical Pedagogy and Digital Rhetoric in Composition Classrooms,” at the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico on February 20-23, 2019.
On November 28th, Texas State senior English major Chisom Ogoke was a guest in Graeme Wend-Walker’s Mythology class, where she discussed mythopoeia and how she is using it to produce a magical realist account of the principles underlying Darwinian evolution.
MARC graduate Casie Moreland recently received her PhD in Rhetoric and Composition from Arizona State University and has been hired as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Western Oregon University.
Three poems by MFA poetry student Emily Ellison appear in the latest issue of Foothill Literary Journal.
MARC graduate Justin Whitney recently received his PhD from the University of Utah and has been hired as an Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Delhi.
Dr. Rebecca Jackson was named an Alpha Chi “Favorite Professor” in Fall 2018.