MA graduate Shaun Clarkson has received his PhD from Purdue University.
A photo by Susan Hanson has been selected as the cover for Ecocritical Aesthetics: Language, Beauty, and the Environment, edited by Scott Slovic and Peter Quigley, and soon to be released by Indiana University Press.
Dan Lochman co-organized three panels titled “Cognitive/Affective Cultures” for the Chicago meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, March 30-April 1 and presented “’The troublous passion of my pensiue mind’: Britomart, Mind, and Memory”; and presented on April 22 the paper “Mastering ‘mazy paths’: William Scott’s Model of Poesy on Heroic Narrative” at the South Central Renaissance Conference, held in Austin.
Alan Schaefer was named a favorite professor by the undergraduate inductees to Alpha Chi Honor Society.
Incoming MARC students Tiffany Rainey and A.R. Rogers have both received Graduate Merit Fellowships recognizing academic excellence.
MARC graduate Shaun Ford has been accepted into the PhD program in Theory and Cultural Studies at Purdue University for this coming fall, supported by a Doctoral Fellowship providing 5 years full funding, a tuition waiver, and medical insurance supplement.
Amelia Gray (fiction, 2007) won the 2016 New York City Public Library’s ‘Young Lion’ Award: Her second novel, Isadora, will be published on May 23rd: “Historical novels about artists abound, but few attain the psychological intricacy, fluency of imagination, lacerating wit, or intoxicating beauty of Gray’s tale of Isadora Duncan” ―Donna Seaman, Booklist (starred review).
James Knippen is the recipient of a 2017 Discovery/Boston Review prize; he will travel to New York City in May to give a reading. Also, two poems, “Poem” and “Portents,” appear in the current issue of Kenyon Review Online:
Cecily Parks was selected as Outstanding English Professor of the Year by the Texas State chapter of Sigma Tau Delta.
A book that features a chapter written by Kitty Ledbetter, The Routledge Handbook to Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals and Newspapers, has won the prestigious Robert L. Colby Book Prize from the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals. Her chapter is entitled “Women’s Periodicals.”