MFA student Graham Oliver interviewed former Austin Bat Cave director Manuel Gonzales about his new book The Regional Office is Under Attack! for The Rumpus: [archived].
Tiwi Retnaningdyah, who earned her MA in Literature at Texas State a few years ago, received her Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from the University of Melbourne last month. She is now back in Indonesia, teaching at the State University of Surabaya.
Tina Zigon, who traveled from Slovenia to pursue an MA in Literature at Texas State, today defended her PhD dissertation at the University of Buffalo. Dr. Zigon currently resides in Kuwait City.
A poem by MFA poetry graduate and current Lecturer Amanda North, “Bloodline,” has been published on The Open Bar at Tin House: [archived].
Sigma Tau Delta named Vicki Smith as 2016 Outstanding Professor of English.
Two poems by Steve Wilson, “The Beauty of the Village” and “Of April,” are featured on the Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College website, as part of their series on ekphrastic poetry: [archived].
The Society for Technical Communication (STC) Board of Directors passed a motion to create a Texas State University student chapter of STC. MATC student and Graduate Assistant David Hernandez submitted the application, recruited student members, and serves as President of the Texas State University Student Chapter of STC.